Married to the Front Line
We are all sandwiched right in the middle of the strangest times. Time has frozen for so many as we live within these three-week windows. The vast majority of us are being sensible and practical and treating this situation with respect.
As a family, we self-isolated two weeks before lockdown as our daughter showed one of the much talked about symptoms and we understood the severity nationally of what was to come as my wife is a nurse. On week 2 of self-isolation, I showed symptoms too. That's not to say that I had Covid-19, but for 3 days I had a temperature, was exhausted and had to go back to bed during the day and I had a cough that lasted around 5 days. I would say this is mild in comparison to what some people have experienced.
The worst part has been that Laura also had to self isolate for those two weeks and could not do her job as a nurse out in the community, she had to work remotely from home and help wherever possible. We are now back into the swing of things in the Wallis household. Like everybody with children, we are juggling homeschooling, boredom and baking daily. I have a workspace set up so I can work from home where possible and Laura is now back out on the frontline in her PPE so it's not the full holiday that some are experiencing.
After driving to multiple patients applying layer after layer of PPE, the day finishes with a full car interior anti-bacterial wipe down, same goes for car door handles. As she opens the door she is met with a wash bag(kindly made by a friends mum) on the doormat for her uniform, yes that means glamourously undressing by the back door before the whole lot is chucked in the washing machine. The kettle is on and the shower is running as the routine continues to make sure we stay safe and that Laura can do her job without the extra worry of possibly infecting us. This is all before our girls get to give their mum a hug.
As I sit and write this in my living room I am surrounded by the aftermath of 2 girls "playing"
Staying in is the new going out!!!
Thank you to all our Key Workers, you are all incredible.
I hope you are all well sending my love 😍
Top job Ant, you must be so proud of her. They all deserve far more respect than we could ever give. We would be in a real mess ilas a country if it wasn’t for for the selflessness of all the NHS staff. Take care
Thank you is little reward for all that is being done by NHS and frontline workers, but it is all I can say at the moment. 👏❤