Hospitality at Nottingham Forest. And a few beers to boot.

It's February and it's cold. In fact it's been really cold with the "Beast from the East" giving it a go on our little island.

So when you get asked to go to Nottingham Forest on a Corporate, that means sitting indoor, in the warmth & with the Prawn Sandwich brigade. And beers.

It's an early start, Saturday mid morning on the Robin Hood line to Nottingham. How quaint & local, we get off the train and head in the direction of Hooters which is only a 5 minute walk away.

Hooters has become a right of passage for many away fans, as its the only one in the country. It's not sleazy or anything like that, but may open a few adolescent eyes with the garments the ladies wear. Personally it's all about the bucket of wings.

We had a table of 8 reserved & the beers start to flow, well before the Wings & things come along. They have the football on the big screens, we all have a catch up & start to feel the build up to the game as more fans pour into Hooters and pass by towards Trent Bridge.

Great to see some of the fans warmly dressed in Sauce & Brown.

We could have walked down London Road to the ground, but with the low temperature and just a few quid with Uber we get dropped outside the Southbank Bar. It was rammed to the rafters, now we had to face the cold on a fresh walk round to the Brian Clough Stand & warmth.

Side note - The City Ground is an amazing sight when walking over Trent Bridge, for any fan. One of the best photo opportunities is when the City Ground reflects in the river Trent.

We swiftly collected our lanyards and made our way up the stairs to the box. Coats off & time to get comfortable at the bar. You get the idea now, this is not so corporate, more of a Posh piss up.

One good thing when in corporate, is that you get to see many ex players. Robbo, Hodges, Moussi, Peter Withe to name a few, they were all pleasant & happy to chat away.

As the game kicks off, it's all a bit of a blur to be fair, & an early goal means another beer.

Halftime comes & gives us chance to catch up with our friend Eric Lichaj, who is suspended at this point. Desire, passion or a Sunday league tackle? Your choice.

The game comes to an end & Nottingham Forest take the spoils, time for another beer. Notice that the football has taken second place throughout the day.

Time has come to enter the City of Nottingham to catch up with other fans at the Southbank Bar in the City, a couple at the Coach & Horses, then out of town closer to S&B HQ before the mayhem ensues. 

If you have not been to our fair city of Nottingham for a night out, then get it booked. It really is a friendly party city with plenty to keep you busy during the day and night.

One thing we have to add is that the Corporate Hospitality is way superior at Derby County, the boxes have an outdoor seated area as well as indoor.

Aspirations for Nottingham Forest.

A big thank you to our hosts, & all the Staff at Nottingham Forest. Great fun.

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