Take me down, through the Streets of London Town

In between Christmas & New Year, it can be a bit difficult not to pop into work just for an hour or two. It's that love for the job scenario.

So to avoid this situation & appease the other half we opted for a few days in London Town to break up the monotony of eat, sleep, drink repeat, in whichever order that occurs over Christmas.

We made the comfortable journey down to Nottingham's Cooling Towers, to catch the East Midlands Train from the Parkway there. Much easier than going into town for the train. The train to London can be done on the "cheap", if you so wish. Just go after 9:30 in the morning and avoid rush hour times on the way back.

Landing into St Pancras at midday on the 27th December, anyone would be forgiven for thinking it was Monday Morning at 9am, Choc a bloc at the Station. We didn't do the Champagne Bar, not this time. Quick side step to the taxi rank where the queue was massive, snaking its way around, like queuing for a ride at Alton Towers. With the only sensible option being the tube, tube it is then. Down to Liverpool Street, then a short walk to Folgate Street to the Point A Hotel. Anthony & myself have stayed here before when we were in town for an Awards Night at Spitalfields Old Church, so I knew it was fine for the other half.

Point A Hotels are like an upmarket Travelodge / Premier Inn. Still a good price, but slightly better by my reckoning. This one is on the edge of Spitalfields, so lots of "cool" places to visit. We dropped off the bags in the room and made our way straight out for lunch in Spitalfields Market. There is a Giraffe Restaurant there which covers all bases for World Food an I have to admit that for a chain, the Duck Noodle was pretty damn good. We had a nosey around the Market, checked out a couple of Vinyl stalls, but after the excitement of Christmas it was back to the Hotel for a Siesta.

Evening time, & we went posh & took a taxi across town to Mayfair. There is a little Italian restaurant at the entrance to Shepherds Market, Da Corradi which we always make a point of eating at when in Town. Classic Italian food with no frills. Perfect. Pre dinner Drinks at Flemings of Mayfair (Very upmarket, & swanky cool). Only £6.50 for a bottle of Morreti. When in London.

After the meal at the Italian, we had a leisurely walk through the Shisha Pipe area and up to Regent Street to join the flocks. Flock maybe the correct word as every Tom, Dick & Harry was wearing a Canada Goose Jacket. Now I know I am in London, but if all these people are wearing Canada Goose, there is a lot of money about, or a lot of fakes out there already. Judging by the look of some of the wearers, I think the fakes are very common already. Hey, who am I to judge. Lovely Christmas lights by the way, all along Regent Street.

Day two and we decided to have a walk. A stroll across to Southbank on a mission to look at this Graffiti Park, which is in the Liam Gallagher, Chinatown video. Oh yes, very cool are we. 

After the cool part, it was a walk to see if we could get on the Millennium Eye. Well thats a no, as the queue was bigger than a queue for the dole Office back in the 80's. (Thats the Unemployment Office for you kids out there) Chaos all around. Queues for Shrek, London Dungeon & Sealife. Time to move out of the Tourist Zone, heading across Westminster Bridge, & there is some fool climbing the Lamps on the Bridge....Fool..... Yes fool, as he got to the top, he slipped backwards & into the warm clean waters of the Thames. 2 minutes pass by, Police, RNLI, Helicopter etc. Like very fast response, Actually very reassuring to see how quick our Emergency Services responded. Well done chaps & chappettes.

Next stop Covent Garden for a quick drink in the Crown & Anchor, up to the Forbidden Planet Megastore for a snoop around before a mosey round the shops, descending onto Cafe Pacifico. A really good Mexican which has been around a long while.

Fed & watered, it's a shoot back across Town down to the Boxpark at Shoreditch. A very cool place but maybe better in the warmer months to fully appreciate it.

We ate at Carluccios in Spitalfields, before heading up to Leicester Square, to join the maddening crowds.

You can't go to London without catching a show, so it was Aladdin for us at the Prince Edward Theatre on Old Compton Street. An amazing show, so just buy the tickets & go.

A few beers after the show. It's late, The Tube is packed. Feet up, after all we have been busy.

Last morning in London calls for a trip down Brick Lane to pick up some Vinyl at Rough Trade East. Not them cheap paper cups here, but a real Mug of tea. Ah yes. Sit down & watch the Vinyl, Music junkies get their pre lunch fix. Picked up quite a few for the store as well. We are into our Vinyl at the moment.

A shout out to a very cool Umbrella Shop near Brick lane, London Undercover.

So London Town for a couple of days. Inspiring, cool, busy & an all round great city. Don't be scared of London Town. She is as lovely as ever. 

P.S - We didn't get mugged, Acid attacked, stabbed or anything else. Maybe we are just lucky. Or does the news aim to fill us with fear?

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