Back to a Pub

It's been a while since we went to a Pub as a family.

I don't mean a Restaurant focused Pub, more of a real Pub that does food.

After an early evening soaking up the sun and the atmosphere on the streets of Matlock Bath, a few quid in the arcade and a bag of chips to boot, we decided on a drink in a proper boozer.

Remembering that one of our customers owned the Black Swan in Crich, we decided it would be nice to return the favour and visit his establishment.

Crich is famous for its Monument to the Sherwood Foresters, which can be seen from miles around, and well worth a visit.

History or sightseeing was not our aim this evening, more so liquid refreshment. A 10 minute drive from Matlock Bath up the winding roads to Crich, we parked up in the old square. (Old cattle drinking troughs still present)

The Black Swan Pub is a minutes walk from the square, and is an old coaching house from the 16th Century. The look of the building has not changed from this time. Interesting fact is that there used to be a White Swan Pub to the right hand side of the Black Swan, White Swan for the gentry, Black Swan for the workers. Times have certainly changed.

The current owners have extensively renovated the pub, including adding an elevated Beer Garden with great views, and all outbuildings up to scratch. Inside the pub retains that feeling of a true pub with a fire in the corner (Not lit of course), must be amazing in the winter months.

Drinks ordered and time to relax. Having a chat with a young gentleman across the tables who works on a local Farm, discussing all things from Cricket to Winter, then my daughter nudges me and asks for some food as the table across has what she says looks like delicious.

Buttermilk Chicken kids meal ordered.

I wasn't hungry, but when it arrived, oh. Yes it looked delicious and a few sneaky chips and "let me taste" the chicken ensued. The Landlady was now in sight, so I asked where the landlord was, and he was away doing Wheelchair Rugby. What a legend!

We have missed being in a pub, striking up conversation with people we have never met before.

It's called being human. Pub life is real life.

Look out for the real pubs in the country. Not the chains.

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