Why a Christmas Window?

We like Christmas. We have families, so we like to get into the spirit of things. We are creative, so we can do a Christmas window. Its a fun thing to do. But the reason for doing this years Christmas window, up here in the depths of North Nottinghamshire, was for a different reason. 

We were stood outside the shop contemplating, as we do, when an old lady asked us if we were doing a Christmas window this year.  
"Of course we will".  
"Oh thank you. I used to love looking at the window on the way to the bus stop. It really made me happy." 
So that really drove us to do something special for this little old lady. 
Will she ever be buying a Sauce & Brown product? Of course not. Will she be telling her friends, wherever she goes? Of course she will. 
Will they be buying Sauce & Brown? We doubt it, but we know the little old lady has something to talk about. 
Since we have done our new window, we have had people of all ages pop in, to say they love our window. Yes they will tell their friends, & it spreads the word for us, but ultimately, we know the little old lady will be happy. 
So what goes around, comes around. Karma & all that, & we go & win a Christmas Shop Window display competition. 
This will sit in the window, so if the little old lady passes by, we hope she sees it. 
A happy story all round. Everybody wins. It just takes a bit more effort. 
Enjoy Christmas. 

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